
PTAB Rehearing Requests: Understanding the Importance of Arguments

In a recent case, the Federal Circuit upheld the PTAB’s decision regarding the validity of Voice Tech Corp.’s U.S. Patent No. 10,491,679, which focuses on technology for controlling a computer through voice commands from a mobile device. The court found that the claims of the patent were obvious, reinforcing the importance of raising strong arguments during the rehearing process.

One key takeaway from the case is that parties involved in PTAB proceedings do not need to re-raise every argument during a rehearing request to the Board. This means that an argument that was not specifically addressed in the rehearing request can still be considered for review by the Federal Circuit. This decision highlights the flexibility that exists in the PTAB rehearing process and underscores the importance of focusing on the most critical arguments in such requests.

The case of Voice Tech Corp. v. Unified Patents, LLC serves as a reminder to practitioners and litigants that strategic decision-making during the PTAB process can have a significant impact on the outcome of a case. By carefully selecting which arguments to emphasize in a rehearing request, parties can ensure that their strongest points are given due consideration by the reviewing authorities.

Overall, the decision in this case reaffirms the importance of thoughtful and strategic advocacy in PTAB proceedings. Parties should focus on presenting their most compelling arguments during the rehearing process, even if not every potential issue is raised. This approach can help streamline the review process and increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome for all parties involved.

In conclusion, the recent ruling in Voice Tech Corp. v. Unified Patents, LLC sheds light on the significance of arguments raised during PTAB rehearing requests. By understanding the nuances of the process and focusing on key points, parties can effectively present their case and increase their chances of success. The decision serves as a valuable lesson for practitioners in navigating the complexities of PTAB litigation and advocating for their clients’ interests effectively.