
The prosecutors in the Santos fraud trial are against using a juror questionnaire. They believe that this could potentially complicate the trial process and may not be necessary. The prosecutors argue that the jury selection process should proceed without the need for a questionnaire to be filled out by potential jurors.

In their opposition, the prosecutors highlight the importance of a fair and impartial jury selection process. They believe that allowing potential jurors to fill out a questionnaire could introduce biases or influence their responses in a way that may not accurately represent their views. Instead, they advocate for a more traditional approach to jury selection where jurors are questioned directly by the judge and attorneys.

The prosecutors also raise concerns about the time and resources that would be required to implement a juror questionnaire. They argue that this additional step in the jury selection process could prolong the trial and create unnecessary delays. They emphasize the need for an efficient and streamlined process to ensure that the trial proceeds in a timely manner.

Overall, the prosecutors are firm in their opposition to the use of a juror questionnaire in the Santos fraud trial. They believe that sticking to traditional methods of jury selection will help maintain the integrity of the trial process and ensure a fair outcome for all parties involved. By advocating for a more direct approach to jury selection, the prosecutors aim to uphold the principles of justice and fairness in the legal system.