
On July 25, the House of Representatives made a decision to pass H. Res. 1371, which criticized President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for not being able to properly secure the border. This resolution was passed during the same week when President Biden declared that he would not be running for a second term.

The House Resolution, which was supported by many lawmakers, highlighted the concerns and frustrations regarding the current state of border security. Many politicians and citizens alike have expressed their disappointment with the Biden administration’s handling of the border situation.

Critics argue that the lack of effective border security measures has led to an increase in illegal immigration, human trafficking, and drug smuggling. They believe that the current administration has not taken sufficient action to address these issues and protect the country’s borders.

In response to the passing of the resolution, supporters of President Biden and Vice President Harris have defended their efforts to improve border security. They point to various initiatives and policies that have been implemented to address the challenges at the border, including increased funding for border patrol and immigration enforcement.

Despite these efforts, the resolution reflects the growing concerns and dissatisfaction among lawmakers and the public regarding the state of border security. Many believe that more needs to be done to secure the border and protect the country from potential threats.

Moving forward, it is likely that the debate over border security will continue to be a contentious issue in the political landscape. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle will need to work together to find viable solutions that address the concerns raised in the House Resolution and ensure the safety and security of the nation’s borders.

In conclusion, the passing of H. Res. 1371 signifies a significant moment in the ongoing discussion about border security in the United States. It highlights the need for meaningful action and collaboration to address the challenges and vulnerabilities that exist at the border. Only time will tell how this resolution will impact future policies and decisions regarding border security.