
The global economy is seeing an increase in complex cross-border restructurings as countries become more interconnected. Many nations have implemented advanced restructuring systems, providing distressed companies and lenders with options beyond U.S. chapter 11. This has led to a rise in chapter 15 filings under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code to gain recognition of foreign restructuring proceedings and related relief for assets in the United States.

While pairing a foreign restructuring with chapter 15 recognition offers benefits, access to this relief is not automatic. Debtors must navigate the Bankruptcy Code’s recognition requirements and meet legal standards in the foreign proceeding to execute a comprehensive restructuring successfully. Real cases are used to illustrate the challenges foreign representatives face in qualifying for chapter 15 relief.

It’s important to note that the insights shared by Jones Day in this White Paper are for informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice. Permission is required to reference or quote this content elsewhere. The views expressed are personal and do not necessarily represent those of the firm.

As the global economy continues to evolve, the need for effective cross-border restructuring mechanisms becomes more crucial. Understanding the nuances of foreign restructuring proceedings and chapter 15 recognition is essential for companies operating in multiple jurisdictions. By staying informed and seeking expert guidance, businesses can navigate these complexities and emerge stronger from financial challenges.

Moreover, the increasing interconnectedness of economies around the world underscores the importance of having a robust legal framework to address cross-border insolvency issues. Collaborative efforts between nations to streamline restructuring processes and enhance recognition mechanisms can facilitate more efficient resolutions for distressed companies. This proactive approach can benefit all stakeholders involved and contribute to the stability of the global financial system.

In conclusion, the trends in foreign recognition in restructuring highlight the need for a comprehensive and coordinated approach to managing cross-border insolvency matters. By leveraging the insights provided in this White Paper and seeking professional guidance, companies can navigate the complexities of international restructuring processes with confidence. Stay informed, stay proactive, and adapt to the evolving landscape of global restructuring to secure a sustainable future for businesses worldwide.