
A federal judge in Alaska made a sudden announcement of his resignation last week after allegations surfaced that he had engaged in inappropriate behavior with his law clerks. U.S. District Judge Joshua M. Kindred of the District of Alaska stepped down on July 8 following a request for his resignation from the judicial council of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, who also referred the ethics matter to the U.S. Judicial Conference for potential impeachment consideration.

The judicial council found that Judge Kindred had created a hostile work environment for his law clerks and had engaged in a “sexualized relationship” with one of them, which continued even after she became an assistant U.S. attorney. The judge was also accused of misleading the investigating committee and only changing his story when faced with overwhelming evidence.

In addition to the sexual misconduct allegations, Judge Kindred was found to have engaged in inappropriate conversations with his law clerks, discussing personal topics such as dating life, romantic preferences, sex life, and making disparaging remarks about colleagues and public figures. He was also known to use inappropriate language in a professional setting.

The judge’s behavior had reportedly led to at least one law clerk leaving their clerkship due to feeling belittled or ostracized when they attempted to address the inappropriate behavior. The judicial council acknowledged that the clerks may have felt pressured to engage in personal conversations with Judge Kindred due to the power dynamics in the chambers and the desire for positive references in the small legal community of Alaska.

It is worth noting that Judge Kindred was appointed by former President Donald Trump, and some of his inappropriate remarks included derogatory comments about public figures. The resignation of Judge Kindred has raised concerns about the ethical conduct of federal judges and the importance of maintaining a professional and respectful work environment in the judiciary.

The case of Judge Kindred serves as a reminder of the responsibility that comes with holding a position of power and the importance of upholding ethical standards in the legal profession. It also highlights the need for proper mechanisms to address misconduct and ensure accountability among judges to maintain the integrity of the judiciary.