
In August 2024, recent federal and state regulations have limited employers’ ability to use noncompete agreements, which are typically used to safeguard trade secrets. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is set to implement a final rule on September 4, 2024, that broadly prohibits the use of noncompete contracts. Steve Zadravecz, a partner at Jones Day, emphasizes the importance of employers taking proactive steps to safeguard their valuable information despite these restrictions.

Zadravecz advises that employers should focus on implementing other protective measures to secure their trade secrets and confidential information. While noncompete agreements may no longer be a viable option, there are alternative strategies that can be employed. For instance, implementing strict confidentiality policies, utilizing non-disclosure agreements, and implementing technological safeguards can help prevent the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information.

It is crucial for employers to stay informed about the evolving legal landscape surrounding noncompete agreements and trade secret protection. By staying up to date on regulatory changes and seeking guidance from legal experts, employers can ensure that they are taking the necessary steps to protect their business interests.

Additionally, employers should prioritize educating their employees on the importance of maintaining confidentiality and protecting trade secrets. Training programs and clear communication about the company’s policies on information security can help create a culture of compliance and awareness among employees.

In light of the changing legal environment, employers must be proactive in implementing comprehensive strategies to protect their trade secrets and confidential information. While noncompete agreements may no longer be as effective, there are numerous alternative measures that can be taken to safeguard valuable business assets. By staying informed, seeking legal guidance, and educating employees, employers can mitigate the risks associated with the restrictions on noncompete agreements.