
Emmet Bondurant, a champion of democratic principles and indigent defense, will be receiving the prestigious ABA Medal at the upcoming ABA Annual Meeting in recognition of his lifelong dedication to fighting for justice in the legal system. Throughout his career that began in 1962, Bondurant has been a vocal advocate for clients in significant civil rights and constitutional cases, including those involving voting rights, equal representation, habeas corpus, and the death penalty.

Bondurant often imparts valuable advice to young lawyers, encouraging them to recognize the unique leverage they have in making a difference through the legal system. He emphasizes the power of a single lawyer with a strong conviction to bring about reform on a larger scale. His career highlights include arguing landmark cases such as Wesberry v. Sanders, which established the “one person, one vote” rule, and Rucho v. Common Cause, where he advocated against partisan gerrymandering to preserve American democracy.

One of Bondurant’s significant contributions was his influence on addressing partisan gerrymandering, even after the Supreme Court’s decision in 2019. His legal vision and methodology paved the way for successful challenges in state courts, leading to important rulings that upheld fairness in the redistricting process. Bondurant’s impact on tackling this complex issue has been described as a “quiet revolution” with far-reaching implications for democracy.

Throughout his career, Bondurant has prioritized pro bono work and advocated for reform in the criminal justice system. From representing inmates appealing their convictions to fighting for gender equality in law firms, he has been a steadfast voice for justice. His efforts have led to significant legal victories, including establishing rules against executing mentally impaired defendants and securing habeas relief for individuals on death row.

Beyond his legal work, Bondurant has served his community in various capacities, demonstrating a commitment to public service and social justice. His dedication to challenging established practices and advocating for fairness underscores his belief in doing what is right, regardless of financial gain. Bondurant’s impact on American jurisprudence and his unwavering commitment to democratic principles make him a deserving recipient of the ABA Medal.

As the ABA Annual Meeting approaches, the legal community celebrates Emmet Bondurant’s outstanding contributions and honors his legacy of service and advocacy. His work serves as a reminder of the power of the legal profession to effect positive change and uphold the principles of justice and equality. Bondurant’s career exemplifies the importance of using the law as a tool for social good and standing up for those whose voices may not be heard.