
Navigating Private Sales and Public Disclosure in PTAB Litigation: Section 102(b)(2)(B) Insights

In the realm of PTAB litigation, understanding the nuances of private sales and public disclosure is crucial for a successful outcome. Section 102(b)(2)(B) of the law plays a significant role in determining the validity of patents and can have a substantial impact on the outcome of a case. In this article, we will delve into the insights provided by Jones Day on this complex topic, shedding light on the intricacies of navigating private sales and public disclosure in PTAB litigation.

The Importance of Section 102(b)(2)(B)

Section 102(b)(2)(B) of the law pertains to the novelty requirement for patents, specifically focusing on the exceptions to prior art. Understanding this section is essential for both patent holders and challengers in PTAB litigation, as it can determine the validity of a patent based on prior sales or public disclosures.

Private Sales: A Potential Pitfall

One of the key areas of focus in PTAB litigation is the impact of private sales on the validity of a patent. Private sales can be a potential pitfall for patent holders, as they may trigger the on-sale bar under Section 102(b)(2)(B). If a private sale occurred more than one year before the filing date of the patent application, it could invalidate the patent under this provision.

Navigating the complexities of private sales in PTAB litigation requires a thorough understanding of the timeline of events surrounding the sale, the nature of the transaction, and the extent of public disclosure, if any. Patent challengers often scrutinize private sales to uncover any potential violations of Section 102(b)(2)(B) and use this information to invalidate the patent.

Public Disclosure: The Power of Information

Public disclosures are another critical aspect to consider in PTAB litigation, particularly in relation to Section 102(b)(2)(B). Public disclosures can take many forms, including presentations at conferences, publications in journals, or even product demonstrations. Understanding the implications of these disclosures on patent validity is essential for both patent holders and challengers.

Public disclosures can trigger the statutory bar under Section 102(b)(2)(B) if they occurred more than one year before the filing date of the patent application. Patent challengers often scour public sources for any disclosures that could invalidate the patent and use this information to bolster their case before the PTAB.

Practical Insights from Jones Day

Jones Day offers valuable insights on navigating private sales and public disclosures in PTAB litigation. Their expertise in this area can provide litigants with a strategic advantage when dealing with complex issues related to Section 102(b)(2)(B). By leveraging their knowledge and experience, parties involved in PTAB litigation can better position themselves for success.

The firm emphasizes the importance of conducting a thorough analysis of the facts and circumstances surrounding private sales and public disclosures. By carefully examining the timeline of events, the nature of the transactions, and the extent of public disclosure, litigants can craft a compelling argument to support their position in PTAB proceedings.

Furthermore, Jones Day underscores the need for proactive measures to address potential challenges related to Section 102(b)(2)(B). By staying ahead of the curve and anticipating the arguments that may be raised by the opposing party, litigants can strengthen their case and increase their chances of success in PTAB litigation.


In conclusion, navigating private sales and public disclosure in PTAB litigation requires a deep understanding of Section 102(b)(2)(B) and its implications on patent validity. By heeding the insights provided by Jones Day and taking proactive measures to address potential challenges, litigants can position themselves for success in this complex legal landscape. With the right approach and strategic guidance, parties involved in PTAB litigation can navigate the intricacies of private sales and public disclosure with confidence and achieve a favorable outcome.