
Sonji Young, a former vice president of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Armstrong Teasdale, has filed a bias lawsuit against the law firm, claiming that she was fired for requesting additional staff and being prevented from carrying out her job responsibilities. The lawsuit, filed on her behalf by Keenan & Bhatia in Missouri circuit court, alleges violations of Missouri’s Human Rights Act.

In the lawsuit, Young, a 44-year-old Black woman, details various forms of discrimination and mistreatment she faced during her time at Armstrong Teasdale. She alleges that she was discriminated against for seeking workers’ compensation rights due to anxiety and panic attacks, retaliated against for supporting bias victims, defamed with false statements about her resignation, and discriminated against based on sex, race, age, and disability.

Young’s experiences at the firm shed light on the challenges faced by people of color in predominantly white work environments. She recounts instances where she was denied necessary resources, such as staff members and training critical to her role. Young also describes a hostile work environment where she was belittled and harassed by colleagues, including instances where her concerns about unequal treatment of attorneys of color were dismissed.

The lawsuit paints a troubling picture of the firm’s culture, where discriminatory practices and lack of support for diversity and inclusion initiatives were pervasive. Young’s termination, which she claims was based on false reasons fabricated by the firm, further highlights the systemic issues she faced during her tenure at Armstrong Teasdale.

Armstrong Teasdale has responded to the allegations by stating that they have conducted an investigation and intend to vigorously defend against the claims. The firm has dismissed the allegations as frivolous and salacious, expressing confidence that the court will see the case in a similar light.

As discussions around diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace continue to gain prominence, cases like Sonji Young’s highlight the urgent need for organizations to address systemic biases and create environments that are truly inclusive and supportive of all employees. The lawsuit serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by individuals advocating for diversity and equality within predominantly white institutions, and the importance of holding organizations accountable for discriminatory practices.